Saturday, June 11, 2016

What to name your baby if you want them to be successful

What to name your baby if you want them to be successful 

The pool of possible baby names is growing year on year, but which to choose? CREDIT:GETTY
Naming your child is a huge responsibility. Go too exotic and they run the risk of being bullied at school, or resenting you. Go too bland and they may never shine or feel special, instead fading into the background and never being noticed.
Celebrities can go too far (I'm talking about you, Kanye), whilst the majority of us tend to play it safe – but is there a way to pitch it in the middle? How can you ensure that your child stands out from the crowd, is earmarked early on for success, but doesn't have to lug around the baggage of a madcap moniker?
Last month, a study was published suggesting that a name can evoke particular interests and characteristics CREDIT: ALAMY
Last month, Professors Adam Galinsky and Michael Slepian of Columbia Business School in New York City published research suggesting that merely saying a child's name once can spark an instant connection to a specific gender, and subsequently evoke a cascading pattern of stereotypical judgments about the identity and interests of an individual.
 "We discovered that names can sound hard or soft," Slepian tells me when I ask about the science behind this conclusion. "Some names that are pronounced without any vibration of the vocal cords sound breathier and, as a result, people tended to associate these names with softness, stereotypical femininity, tenderness or those who were soft in disposition.
 "Conversely," continues the professor, "names that are pronounced with the vibration of the vocal cords sound rougher or harder, and people associate these sounds with masculinity and being tough or hard in disposition.
Slepian believes that how your name sounds can affect how others perceive you CREDIT: GETTY
 "Our findings provided consistent evidence that voiced names - those pronounced with vocal cord vibration which often sound 'harder' - such as Gregory, James, and William are given more frequently to males, and unvoiced names - those pronounced without vocal cord vibration which often sound 'softer' and breathier - such as Heather, Sarah, and Tiffany are more frequently given to females."
Slepian explains that this gender divide means that certain names fit into the stereotypical gender categories - of men being tough and women being soft - and some do not. But if names can tell us so much about their owners, and influence our opinions and attitudes about the bearers even before we meet them, what rules should we follow to ensure that our children have the best chance in life?
What should you name your baby? CREDIT: GETTY
Marc Hauser is the founder and managing director of Erfolgswelle, a Swiss company that charges clients £22,000 to find the perfect name for their baby. 
Erfolgswelle, which translates into English as 'wave of success', sees 14 naming experts, four historians and 12 translators spend over 100 hours creating a list of 15 to 25 potential names, before helping parents whittle it down to the perfect one. 
Newborn baby named after the Queen on her 90th birthdayPlay!01:11
Hauser tells me that the company use the background and aspirations of the parents to find the perfect moniker, so he can't reveal a list of 'perfect' and 'successful' names as they differ depending on the individual. 
However, he tells me, he can give me a list of pointers for prospective parents. So grab a pen and take notes, because this is five-figure advice.

Don't make it too difficult to say

 "A successful name must be easy to pronounce," says Hauser. "It must roll off the tongue so when people, inevitably, talk about your child, it sounds beautiful and natural – something they want to say."
So perhaps park the more exotic Rollo and Tarquin in favour of something that won't encounter pronunciation problems - like Thomas or Joseph.

Think about how it sounds with your surname

 "The name must also sound good in relation to your family name," says Hauser. "So, before you settle on a name for your child, try the phonecall test – pick up a phone and pretend to answer with the first name and surname together. See how well they blend.
  "For instance," Hauser adds, "Anakin sounds good with Skywalker, but may not with my surname, Hauser. And Katniss Everdeen - of The Hunger Games - is a beautiful name, and wonderful to say, but if a French family called their daughter Katniss Sansoucie, it would just sound strange."

Choose a name that fits with your heritage

 "Your child’s name should fit the cultural background of your family. It is much harder to be successful and establish yourself in a particular area when you are constantly fighting to escape a name-imposed preconception."
So don't go calling your daughter Amelie or Margot if your last name is something quintessentially English - like Ramsbottom.

Keep your baby's siblings in mind

 "You should also think about how your child’s name fits alongside yours, or those of their siblings. An important part of growing up with confidence and success is feeling as though you belong, and this could be hard when your name sets you apart from the pack."
So if you and your wife are called John and Mary, and you've already got children called Ben and Jennifer, maybe steer clear of calling your third child Diggory or Loveday.

Don't go for random nouns or brands

 "Avoid any words that already exist, but aren’t names. People will already have forged associations with these words, and these attitudes may not be conducive to success. For example, avoid brand names at all costs. Here at Erfolgswelle, we check all existing trademark directories to ensure that no baby ever wears a brand name."
And whilst Hauser clearly doesn't think people will be trying to call their children Coca-Cola or Adidas, earlier this year a Welsh woman was legally stopped from calling her child 'Cyanide' - so don't underestimate how alternative people are willing to be.

Remember that your baby will not always be a baby

 "A name that brings success should work equally well for your child at any time throughout their life. They should not be given a baby name just because they are a baby, because they will be stuck with it forever. Ensure you choose an adult name for your child, and shorten it when they are younger if you wish."
So whilst Benjy or Honey might sound cute when your child is young, imagine what that'll look like on their CV. But this works the other way as well - Frank and Gladys do not great baby names make.

If you have any doubts at all, choose another name

 "You must feel good about the name, and comfortable with your choice. If you have doubts about the name, so will your child. Try to ensure that their name is free from any negative connotation – be this through word association, links to negative individuals, or rhyme."
So whilst Adolf and Saddam probably weren't on the cards anyway, beware of names such as those that top the teen pregnancy list (Lee and Kelly), are still synonymous with criminals (calling your twin boys Ronnie and Reggie might not go down so well) or any name that shouldn't begin with a K but inexplicably does - leave that particular peccadillo to the Kardashian Klan.

Don't overthink it

 "Keep it short and simple. A name should not feel crowded, or be difficult to spell or pronounce. It must be striking, yes, but also sound natural – and not a word that you have simply created to be different."